
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are there resources that can help me set up a new Premium account?
    BC Registries offers a BC Registry Application User Guide that covers account creation. Please note that API services are only available to Premium account holders set up with pre-authorized debit as a payment option.

  1. What payment options are available to pay for transactions completed using an API?
    Pre-authorized debit is the only payment method available to clients using APIs.

  1. What if I already have an existing Premium account and I want to continue using this account to pay for filings/transactions with my BC OnLine account? (i.e., as a user, I’ll log in and sometimes submit name requests or complete filings).
    You will need to set up an additional Premium account for the APIs and use PAD to pay for this service.

  1. What if I am using BCeID to login and I can only have one admin on an account? How can I pay with my BC OnLine account as a user and also pay using PAD for the API service?
    Currently, if you are using BCeID to verify your identity, only one administrator can be on an account. In this case, you will need an additional account and use your BC Services Card app to log in. When you use the BC Services Card app to log in, you can have as many accounts or administrators as you need. Note: At the end of December 2021, application updates will be made to allow accounts to have additional administrators.

  1. What if I don’t have a BC Services Card app and I can only log in using a BCeID? How can I have two accounts?
    You will need to wait for the application changes to be made at the end of December 2021. In the interim, you will need to pay using PAD or use a BASIC account and pay for transactions/services (not using the API) with a credit card or online banking.

  1. Can I reuse the identity affidavit that I already provided for my existing Premium account?
    Yes, but note, only one administrator can be on the account, so if you are using BCeID, you will need to use the BC Services Card app to verify your identity on the second account.

  1. If I’m setting up my account to use APIs, there is a three day waiting period to use PAD, which freezes my account. What options do I have?
    You can use your BCOL account, credit card or online banking to pay for services while you wait for the 3 day waiting period to be over.

If you require support or have questions, please email bcregistries@gov.bc.ca.